This shows how to connect to a our VPN from home.

Please reference the image below.

  1. Click on the Windows Wireless Networks icon. See item #1.
  2. Click on the CLS Meraki VPN entry. It is at the top of your wireless networks list. See red arrow.
  3. If you do not have the CLS Meraki VPN you might have the CLS VPN. If so, click that.
  4. A Connect button will show up. Click that. The CLS Meraki VPN client will connect.
    • If it asks for your credentials, enter your network ID as follows:
    • network ID: <first initial><last name>. Ex. jVansmith.
    • your network password: this is also your e-mail password.
  5. If your network password recently changed, you will have to reset your CLS Meraki VPN saved password. Sorry, you will have to do this procedure: Clear your Cannot Connect to VPN.