This shows how to connect to a our VPN from home.
Please reference the image below.
- Click on the Windows Wireless Networks icon. See item #1.
- Click on the CLS Meraki VPN entry. It is at the top of your wireless networks list. See red arrow.
- If you do not have the CLS Meraki VPN you might have the CLS VPN. If so, click that.
A Connect button will show up. Click that. The CLS Meraki VPN client will connect.
- If it asks for your credentials, enter your network ID as follows:
- network ID: <first initial><last name>. Ex. jVansmith.
- your network password: this is also your e-mail password.
- If your network password recently changed, you will have to reset your CLS Meraki VPN saved password. Sorry, you will have to do this procedure: Clear your Cannot Connect to VPN.