If you just shut your laptop lid at the end of the day, it does not restart Windows. If you never do a true Windows restart, over time your laptop can begin to get out of sorts and strange problems will occur. This is what would happen to us if all we ever did was catnap and we never got a good night's sleep. Windows is the same way: at least once a week you should restart Windows so your laptop begins from a fresh start.
To do this:
- Close everything that you have open.
- Click the Start Button:
Click on the item called "Power”:
- Then click the menu item called "Shut down". Or, if you want to keep working, click "Restart".
- Windows will shut down. This can take a minute. If you clicked "Restart" Windows will then load again. Logon and you can open applications and continue working. If you were seeing quirky problems they should be gone now.