Check all these. Tell us which ones worked and which did not.

First, check that your laptop sound is on


Most of our laptops have a button that will turn sound off.

Find that button. 

Press and hold the Fn key (very lower left). Then play a sound.

If your sound is muted, the Volume icon on your screen should have a red X over it (see two sections below).

Next, check if laptop will make any sound

Click on the Windows Settings Gear:

Windows Settings will open. 

Type 'sound' in the search box:

Then click Change system sounds.


The control for Sound will open.

Click the tab called Sounds. That tab 

will look like the box on the right.

Then click the Test button at the bottom.

You should hear a sound.


Finally, check if your Windows sound is muted.

If you are running a Remote Desktop or VDI, 

you will have to check this on both your computer

and then again in your Remote Desktop or VDI.

Go to the lower right on your screen and 

look for this icon down by the time:

If you don’t see it, then click on this icon, which will bring up a batch of icons; then look for the volume icon in that batch

Click on the Volume icon. This will load. Look at the speaker symbol on the left. If there is an X on it, then your volume is muted. Click that speaker to remove the mute. Then drag the vertical blue slider to adjust your volume.